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Step out of your Comfort Zone and Sell More Vehicles

Updated: Sep 25, 2018

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Automotive Sales Training Tip: Get out of your comfort zone

I'm Chris Schulthies and welcome to ProTips. I want to talk about your comfort zone in selling. If you've sold cars for a year or two or three, many of us have already developed a comfort zone. A comfort zone is simply the average number of vehicles that we sell and deliver on a monthly basis. For example if last year you delivered 96 vehicles and you delivered roughly the same amount the year before, you have a comfort zone, that comfort zone is eight vehicle deliveries per month.

Now if you deliver seven, you're probably comfortable in the month to come. If you deliver nine in the month to come, you're probably comfortable. Now if in the month to come you only delivered two vehicles, you're probably uncomfortable for obvious reasons; you didn't make enough money, there's pressure at home, there's pressure from your manager and perhaps even from colleagues. Interestingly enough, if you had a breakout month and instead of selling seven, eight or nine, you actually sold and delivered, I don't know, 13 vehicles. For many of us, that is also uncomfortable. Expectations are now raised, there's a lot of congratulations around the showroom floor and the sales manager's attitude is, "I knew that you could do it." In many cases, the month following can be predictable. And the month following that break out of 13 will often look something like three or four deliveries. How do I know this? Well if I take the month of 13, add it to the month of three, that's 16 deliveries divided by two months, we're right back into our comfort zone. Now, we don't do this on purpose, this is happening at a psychological level. It's the mental decision that you make as a professional salesperson that you can actually far exceed the comfort zone that you've already established.

How do you do that? Well, first of all, you have to decide that I'm going to do it one vehicle at a time, one business quarter at a time. If you think to yourself in this way, success will come. Meaning, if you just decided to put a little bit more focus, adhere to your sales process, perhaps ask for the sale one more time with each and every customer engagement, you could literally sell without added effort or working your night off one more vehicle per month. If you did that three months in a row in one business quarter, you've actually moved your comfort zone by one vehicle. Do that four business quarters in a row, that's four vehicles, you've changed your comfort zone from eight vehicles to 12. Bottom line, comfort zones are attitudes and attitudes are up here. Your comfort zone does not necessarily represent your skills and your talent.

Thank you so much for joining me on ProTips, my name is Chris Schulthies. For more great content like this or to learn more about our Automotive Training Programs please visit: or call 1.888.993.6468 and discover how an automotive sales training solution could work for your dealership.

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