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No Second Chances in car sales - it's all in the Meeting and Greeting!

Updated: Sep 25, 2018

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Automotive Sales Training Tip: You don't get a second chance at a first impression

My name is Chris Schulthies and welcome to PROTiPs. I want to talk about welcoming customer. Often we’ve been trained to approach a customer with a greeting such as, “Welcome to the dealership, how can I help you?” or, “Welcome to the dealership, how can I be of service?” As almost all of you know, we always get the same response, “I’m just looking.” Just looking thank you.” “Just getting a few ideas.” “We’re not ready. We’re just here in the early stages.” If you don’t want to get that typical response, you need to change up your welcome. Allow me to give you a few examples. “Welcome to the dealership. My name is Chris Schulthies. What vehicle would you like to see today?” Or, “Welcome to the dealership. My name is Chris. What vehicle would you like to drive today?”

We all know that customers are heavily researched. We also know that they’ve probably come to buy a vehicle today. Now, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily going to buy it from our dealership or from us, but within the next 24, 48 hours, they are likely going to buy a vehicle. With that in mind, the approach is just to be a little bit more direct and understand that the customer is likely here to conduct business accordingly. So that when you approach a customer you’re not approaching them with arrogance, you’re approaching them with the thought process that you understand that they’re probably here ready to transact business. Once again, “My name is Chris. Welcome to the dealership. How can I help you with your research?” Or, “Welcome to the dealership. My name is Chris. What pieces of the puzzle can I help you with today?” Or simply, “Welcome to the dealership. My name is Chris. What would you like to accomplish with us today?” Get to the point, let customers know that you know that they’re ready to buy a vehicle and make it easy and pleasurable for them to buy from you.

My name is Chris Schulthies and thank you for joining me on PROTiPs. For more great content like this or to learn more about our Automotive Training Programs please visit: or call 1.888.993.6468 and discover how an automotive training solution could work for your dealership.

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