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How to Improve Business Office Profits by Using Table Menus

Updated: Sep 25, 2018

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Automotive Business Office Sales Training Tips: Use table menus

Hello and welcome to Wye PROTiPs. I'm Hector Bosotti. Today we've got a great tip for business managers. To improve your profitability, perhaps change the way you present your products by using a new menu table which is growing in popularity across the country. Now, some of you might say, "Menu selling, I've tried that. That doesn't work for me." Well, you don't have to be a menu seller to use a menu table. In fact, many step sellers are using menu tables because they're very customer friendly. They're engaging, you can get great graphics on there, as you can see by the one that's up on the screen. This one could be an 8.5 x 11. You can go to 17 inch, 20 inch, what have you. These are terrific laminates that you can use right on your workstation, on your desk and you can use a dry erase marker and just with a Kleenex clean it, very customer friendly.

For a step-seller, they stay in front of the customer as soon as you start your presentation. The customer knows it's going to be a start and there's going to be a finish. As you go through each product you would then go ahead and close. For those of you using a load, lock and fire method, you're presenting all of your products all at once and then making a recommendation to the customer based on your experience, and your customers profile. If the customer balks, then you could always rewind it back. Let me give you an example of closing using a load, lock and fire strategy. "Based on your profile Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, I recommend that you get the extended warranty. You also register the payment protection and the guaranteed asset protection. That'll increase your base payment for x dollars to y dollars by weekly, but you'll be well protected, bring cost certainty to your ownership experience and peace of mind. I recommend we submit your application to lender with those protection plans and we'll see what they have to say. Did you have any concerns?" If the customer accepts you've got a terrific deal on your hands. If they balk because of affordability, then wind it back a little bit. "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, I totally understand. We can customize this solution to match your needs. Tell me which protection plan do you see the least value in and we can customize this." In doing this whether you're a step seller or a menu seller a terrific way, great visuals.

Check out for all our business office programs or contact our training manager. Find out how we can come right into your dealership and do a tune-up and start improving your business office profitability immediately. For Wye Management, I'm Hector Bosotti. Stay tuned for more Wye PROTiPs coming your way. For more great content like this or to learn more about our Automotive Training Programs please visit: or call 1.888.993.6468 and discover how an automotive training solution could work for your dealership.

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